Sunday, January 18, 2015

David Foster - "The Love Theme From St. Elmo's Fire"

My girlfriend watches too many of those mindless TV shows on Bravo.  One show in particular is The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.  One hour watching the surgically-enhanced bodies and vapid personalities reminds me why I love the Midwest.  Record producer David Foster began a long run of churning out pop hits in the '80s and the streak continues until present day.  From time to time, Foster turns up on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills because his wife is/was part of the cast.  Foster sometimes performs at his wife's dinner parties and (according to my girlfriend) Foster does not like when you talk while he performs.  His 1985 "Love Theme From St. Elmo's Fire" will go down as one of the top instrumentals of all time.  Enjoy...but please reserve any talking until the song finishes.  Thank you.