Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Jewel - "Foolish Games"

Have you ever been in one of those relationships where you're totally into that person, but that person is simply in the "friend-zone" with you?  I did.  It lasted from about age 15 until 19.  This girl (who kinda looked like Jewel...but with better teeth) was my life.  She and I talked on the phone just about every day.  I listened to all her stories of the latest dude she was dating and how poorly this guy treated her.  Despite her constant pleads that the two of us "just be friends", I still asked her to Prom, Winter Formal, Homecoming, and every event in between.  She always said no, but in a way that made me feel like there was actually a chance.  She constantly told me that she loved me and that I understood her like no one else could.  I never thought that I would ever get over her.......until one day.  Something clicked in my brain, and I no longer saw her standing high up on this pedestal.  I was the one who put her there, so it was up to me to do something about it.  When I look back at all that time I wasted waiting, wanting, and hoping for someone to love me back, I realize how foolish it really was.