Monday, September 5, 2016

Styx - "Babe"

The year was 1996 and for the first time in my life, I was in a serious relationship.  Throughout high school, I had a secret crush on a girl but heaven forbid that I do something about it and (gasp) ask her out!  It took the nudging of some mutual friends to force me into action.  Our first date happened one Friday night at the Olive Garden.  I don't remember much about the date save for the fact that we both had a good time and tiramisu was consumed.  Fast forward 18 months: I'm attending Indiana University in Bloomington while she studied at Butler University in Indianapolis.  It was a mere 60 minute drive away, but it felt like we were on separate continents.  Friday was my favorite day of the week as that was the day she would come down to visit.  We would spend the weekend together holed up in my room watching reruns of Three's Company (Isn't that how most college students spent their weekends?!?  Remember, I was quite the catch.).  Those good feelings evaporated on Sundays,  I dreaded that day as it meant that she was going back to Indianapolis and I had to do my eight hours of required reading for class.  During one particular weak moment, I'm driving south on Route 37 toward Bloomington after dropping off my girlfriend when the song "Babe" from Styx played on the radio:

Babe, I'm leaving,  I must be on my way.  The time is drawing near.  My train is going,  I see it in your eyes.  The love, the need, your tears.  But I'll be lonely without you.  And I'll need your love to see me through.  Please believe me,  My heart is in your hands.  And I'll be missing you.

I hated those painful feelings that brewed each Sunday and remember fighting back tears during that particular ride home.  My dad called me that evening and I remember sharing where my head and heart were.  I'll never forget what he said because it took me several years to fully appreciate.  He said, "You know have the rest of your damn life to play house."