Saturday, September 19, 2015

Goo Goo Dolls - "Name"

When I was an intern at WPNT-FM in Chicago, my boss, Lynne, was the midday personality.  Part of her show featured an "All My Children Update" at 1:50pm.  From noon until the AMC Update, I ran the controls so that she could focus on watching her soaps (what a good gig!).  Since "All My Children" was blaring on the studio speakers, I relied on Lynne's headphones to hear what was going on over the air.  I had never heard the song "Name" from The Goo Goo Dolls when I first played it.  The song has what's known as a false-ending with about 30 seconds before the actual end of the song.  A timid and ignorant Todd hear the false ending and immediately cut to the next element (a recorded promo talking about the music WPNT played).  Lynne was not happy with me.