Monday, June 6, 2016

Rod Stewart - "Faith of the Heart"

Summer vacation now means a week off from work, but there was a time when you had June, July, and August to do whatever the heck you wanted (provided that you mowed the lawn like Dad requested).  One such summer, my friend Matt and I planned a week-long road trip through the mean streets of central Indiana.  When I arrived at Matt's house to pick him up, he had still not packed and was sitting in his basement watching Patch Adams.  He didn't want to leave until he finished the movie.  "It's almost over," he said.  This is the equivalent to a woman saying that she'll be ready in five minutes, btw.  When the movie ended, Matt desperately was holding back the tears, but the levee eventually broke.  I teased him about this throughout the entire road trip that we named "The Cut It Tour: 1999".  Why did we call it this?  I don't know, but we were broke.  After making stops in Bloomington and Muncie, we stopped in a small town called Tipton, Indiana.  While driving through Tipton, Matt noticed a sign in front of a gas station-slash greasy spoon restaurant that read "Eat Here & Get Gas".  We jumped out of the car and were trying to take a picture of the two of us standing in front of their sign.  Out of nowhere, a woman came running from the gas station.  "Do you want your picture taken?"  We told her that indeed we did.  "People come from all over to get their picture taken here."  I still have that photo...framed.  Between Matt crying at the conclusion of Patch Adams and Eat Here & Get Gas, the memories live on.  Thank you, stranger, for the visual proof of "The Cut It Out Tour: 1999."