Saturday, September 17, 2016

Gloria Estefan - "1-2-3"

Unlike most normal teenagers, I spent a lot of time playing my Yamaha keyboard in my basement when no one was home.  Why?  Well, I wasn't exactly a good player since I was self-taught and always seemed to be a tick or two behind the rhythm (something I would later discover when I stepped onto the dance floor).  So I used the time when no one was around to perfect my craft.  I felt it was my duty since my grandparents were musicians and they both hoped someone in the family would carry on the tradition.  While most people I know were spending their allowance on music (CDs, cassettes, concerts), I purchased sheet music in order to play today's hits on my trusty Yamaha.  One such song that I learned to play was Gloria Estefan's "1-2-3".  Most embarrassing about jamming out to this song is that I would normally be playing so loudly in the basement that I wouldn't hear my parents come home.  This led to my parents flashing the basement hallway lights to let me know when they were home...which usually signaled the end of my concert.