Thursday, May 24, 2018

Paul Davis "Cool Night"

If my mispronouncing the word rain was bad, enter my colleague Rob who took things to another level. During the fall of 1997, Rob quit his gig working with me as part-time DJ doing the evening show. He had just been hired to host a morning show and double as Program Director at a suburban radio station. Being the trooper he was, Rob didn't want to leave his boss in a pinch without giving a full two weeks notice. Instead he soldiered on working practically 20 hours a day for two weeks and one evening his exhaustion finally caught up with him.

Just before signing off, he played the weather jingle and started reading his final weather break of the night. His brain clearly had a plan, but his mouth was not cooperating because the only word to come out of his mouth was "cooley". Standing in the back of the studio, I watched Rob completely freeze and turn a shade of red that even tomatoes envied. He couldn't recover from his blunder and anyone listening that night heard about 20 seconds of a catchy weather jingle play before Rob pressed the "out" jingle. As soon as he turned off the microphone, we both broke out in laughter. He kept saying, "Cooley?!? What the hell was that?!?". Years later, I mentioned the story to him and he claimed to have that infamous weather report on a cassette tape somewhere in his basement. Despite my pleas for a copy, he never turned it over--which, in the era of YouTube, is probably for the best....