Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Toni Braxton - "Spanish Guitar"

As a young radio entrepreneur in the early-2000s, I spent lots of time reading about the happenings of the Adult Contemporary format thanks to the industry publication, Radio & Records (or R&R).  I'm not sure why my brain has dedicated space in my memory to retain this, but I remember some person whose username was "Rinaldo" used to complain on R&R's online forum that Adult Contemporary radio stations are missing out because they weren't playing this amazing, blow-your-brains-away power ballad from Toni Braxton called "Spanish Guitar".  The song was OK, but this guy had a real thing for it.  I still recall the day when the AC station where I worked at the time added the song--my first thought was, "Well, this outta shut up that Rinaldo guy.".  Looking back on it, he was probably a record rep who was pimping "Spanish Guitar" looking for adds.