Monday, March 6, 2017

The Eagles - "I Can't Tell You Why"

[Full disclosure: it was 1994 and we were nerds.]

One summer evening in 1994, my best friend John was telling me about a crush he had on some girl at his high school.  Since we were nerds, we decided the best thing to do was to fire up the car and head to our local public library to look up this girl's address.  Our county library had some fancy new computer program that told you personal information such as home addresses (I believe it was 1994's version of the internet).  Seeing how John and I had already wasted a precious evening at the library, the decision to continue our adventure and drive to some random address in Hebron, Indiana was a no-brainer.

Once we got there, John turned off the car's headlights.  I remember staring at this tiny little house and wondering what the hell we were doing.  Was this what my life had become?  Was I really going to spend my summer nights searching out the homes of girls that my friends liked?  Not to mention, what possible satisfaction could come from seeing where this chick lived?  As John and I sat there pondering these deep thoughts and losing what little dignity we had, the song "I Can't Tell You Why" from The Eagles quietly played on the radio.  The reality of what we were doing finally sunk in and I started giggling.  I couldn't stop giggling.  I had never heard The Eagles tune and it sounded creepy -- an almost fitting creepy sound that matched how we chose to spend that evening.  Eventually, we grew tired of staring at the tiny white house and drove home.  While John never dated this girl or even told her that he liked her, some 20-plus years later we continue to lovingly refer to "I Can't Tell You Why" as "The Stalking Song".

Denouement: John later learned that the house we "stalked" wasn't even the right house -- it was the girl's dad's house; she lived nearby with her mother.  John also mentioned that he saw her at his 10-year reunion and she had bad breath.