Friday, June 22, 2018

Santana f/ Rob Thomas "Smooth"

Every hour, a radio station airs something called the Legal ID which is just that: a legally mandated station identification. The Legal ID airs as close to the top-of-the-hour as possible and includes the station's call letters and licensed city of broadcast. In the case of the former WENS-FM in Indianapolis, I heard their Legal ID countless times during my many drives to and from Indiana University in Bloomington. It said: "97-point-1, W-E-N-S Shelbyville, Indianapolis. The flagship station of Emmis Communications." WENS-FM was licensed to Shelbyville, Indiana but broadcast out of Emmis' studios in Indianapolis.

For years, Production Directors spent lots of time crafting big, booming Legal ID's, but that changed when the ratings system morphed from diaries to Personal People Meters (PPM) in the late-2000s. Listeners no longer had to write down what stations they listed to since the PPM (a device that looks like a pager) now automatically records that information. This caused some stations to bury their Legal ID within a commercial break.

In 2006, I voiced a Legal ID for a radio station, and it proudly aired every hour until 2015 until the station switched formats and, ultimately, call letters. The day before the switch, I joked to my boss that my mom would be very upset if she didn't hear her son do the hourly Legal ID. He told me not to worry because I could voice the new Legal ID. The next morning at 10:00AM, the first of my five new Legal IDs started airing. It continues to air today much to the delight of Stephani, a part-time DJ at our sister-station. She liked them so much that I gave her what amounted to the worst cheapest birthday gift ever: an MP3 of said Legal IDs. Happy birthday, Stephani!