Saturday, July 7, 2018

Mulberry Lane "Harmless"

Perhaps my boss felt like I was Milton from Office Space. At the time, I was a new hire as Evening Producer at a Chicago radio station and I had no where to sit. Since my position was brand new, there was no existing office or desk which led to the powers-that-be to create a makeshift office within a room that housed computer servers. The once always-locked room-turned-office needed some major TLC--not to mention a paint job. One morning, my boss burst in carrying a handful of posters in hopes that I would hang them over the areas that cried for new paint. One particular poster featured four attractive blonde sisters that comprised the group Mulberry Lane. I had never heard of the band, but hung up the poster anyway.

This particular poster became a conversation piece among visitors of the station as well as fellow colleagues. Since I didn't know anything about the group, I used to tell people the poster was a personality test to identify what type of girl a guy was most attracted to -- similar to those early BuzzFeed articles ("What your favorite female Friends character says about you!"). To me, Mulberry Lane resembled a more tame version of the Spice Girls with each member possessing personality types such as flirty, girl-next-door, sweet, and wild.
Two years later, I changed positions within the radio station and I don't know what I did with the poster (let's assume I threw it away), but the inside joke continued. To this date, my former boss still forwards me all the emails she still receives from Mulberry Lane wishing their fans a Merry Christmas.