Sunday, August 12, 2018

Los del Rio "The Macarena"

Speaking of songs that should be banned at wedding receptions, Los del Rio stormed every mainstream radio station, sporting event, wedding reception, and soccer mom's minivan during the summer of 1996. That same year, my mom finally sprung for cable television, and I was treated to the video to "The Macarena" when it first aired on MTV and VH-1.

Soon afterwards, my friends picked me up and we drove around Northwest Indiana listening to the radio when (go figure) "The Macarena" played. I said, "I love this song is sung by two old Mexicans." My friend Matt immediately turned around and excitedly said, "That's the name of the band?!?" After I explained that the video featured two older Mexican guys singing, Matt was quite upset and claimed that Two Old Mexicans is a great name for a band.