Sunday, September 9, 2018

Billy Preston & Syreeta Wright "With You I'm Born Again"

On Valentine's Day in 1994, WPNT afternoon jock Ken Cocker teased that he would soon play one of the most romantic songs ever made. I quickly wondered what song that could be as I'm sure you also could come up with a half-dozen songs that would fit into that category, right? Cocker eventually played "Your Song". The simple tune indeed is a great love song, but I have my own favorite.

With its flowing melodies and gentle yet soaring chorus, I nominate "With You I'm Born Again" from Billy Preston and Syreeta Wright as an even better "most romantic song ever". I first heard the song on Love-FM, a format that later replaced WPNT, and immediately fell in love with it. In fact, I remember getting goosebumps after hearing it. The sweet song begins slowly (heck, it fades in) and then Preston and Syreeta's understated vocals playfully tease your ears as the percussion and strings join in, build and, eventually, the song takes off. You might find yourself singing at the top of your lungs just as the ballad softly comes to an end...leaving you wanting more.