Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Concrete Blonde "Joey"

Remember when receiving mail was exciting? Granted we were probably 10 years old, but still. My Aunt Laura always addressed our birthday cards to "Master Todd" which always made me feel special. Nowadays, we just get bills and advertisements from Comcast. Receiving packages, however, was something altogether different. Today, it's the familiar smile on the box from Amazon, but back in my teen years it was the familiar Columbia House logo that put a smile on my face. Once day after returning from Spring Break 1994, a Columbia House package sat resting on my bed. I quickly dropped my luggage and tore open the tiny cardboard box and found an album from Concrete Blonde. Concrete Blonde? Who ordered that? I know I didn't order that album, but before calling to complain, my brother admitted that he ordered it for me because he thought "I would like it" which translated to "he wanted it".