Sunday, January 20, 2019

Bob Seger "We've Got Tonite"

Nine episodes after Kevin Arnold and Winnie Cooper split up on The Wonder Years episode Heartbreak, comes another touching episode, The Accident. During The Accident, Kevin notices a shift in Winnie's behavior from "trying to fit in" to "really trying to fit in when you know damn well that no one at your new school gets you".

It all begins when Kevin sees Winnie standing in front of her old house on his street. Winnie then peppers Kevin with questions about the new family that moved into her old house. Later, she again shows up at Kevin's house unannounced and asks Kevin to talk, but then doesn't really talk about anything beyond pleasantries. The young Miss Cooper also keeps fraternizing with 11th graders at the roller rink--much to Kevin's chagrin. Every time Kevin approaches Winnie, he senses she's bothered and seems out of place. Ultimately her hanging out with older dudes leads to her involvement in a car accident where she breaks her leg. Once Kevin learns of Winnie's injuries, he rushes to be with her. The problem is: she doesn't want to see him. After Winnie's parents shoo Kevin away, Kevin pretends to leave but then embraces his inner Romeo and climbs onto the Cooper's roof to see his Juliet. As he reaches Winnie's second-floor bedroom window, he watches as Winnie's mom tucks Winnie into bed. After she exits her bedroom, Winnie finally notices Kevin's face pasted to her bedroom window. After an awkward moment of staring, Kevin mouths. "I love you" to Winnie...who reciprocates. *Swoon* All the while, Bob Seger's "We've Got Tonite" plays the episode to a close.

More changes are in store for these young teenagers as, two episodes later, Kevin and Winnie graduate from middle school and in the fall will begin Season Five of The Wonder Years reunited in high school.