Monday, February 18, 2019

Expose "As Long as I Can Dream"

What comes to mind when you think about your recurring dreams? Maybe it's that dream when your teeth fall out or the one where you're back in school and have to take a test for something you haven't studied. Those two dreams immediately come to mind for me. Aside from those, I have this recurring dream that I'm back working as a Classified Sales Manager at the former Dog World Magazine in a position I held from 1999 until early-2002. In that entry-level role, each month I'd mail out renewal contracts to our annual advertisers of the classified section of the magazine. This contract would lock them into the lowest rate ($12/month) for a 20-word ad. For whatever reason, I still have this dream (nightmare?) where I forgot to mail the contracts and I'm frantically going through my list of advertisers (there were about 1,100 of them) and calling each one to see if they want to run their ad(s). Seeing as I haven't worked there in nearly 17 years, I'm curious why this dream still plays in my brain.