Friday, February 1, 2019

Joe Cocker "Love Lives On"

Someone deserves credit for getting Joe Cocker to agree to sing "Love Lives On" for the Harry & The Hendersons Soundtrack -- an absolute clunker of a movie.

"Hello, Joe?"
"So, I got a call from someone over at Universal Pictures and they loved what you did for An Officer & A Gentleman. So, they want you to do a song for their new film."
"Nice. What's the movie called?"
"Um, Harry & The Hendersons."
"Yeah, so this family runs over Sasquatch and they think they killed it. Turns out, they didn't, so Sasquatch goes to live with the family while they try to hide it from their neighbors and hi-jinx ensues."
"Joe? You still there?"
This lemon managed to make about $50 million worldwide.