Saturday, February 16, 2019

Melissa Manchester "You Should Hear How She Talks About You"

Someone convinced Melissa Manchester to cut off her hair and try a different look and sound for her 1982 song "You Should Hear How She Talks About You". Synonymous with sappy ballads including one about a sad clown, Melissa shook off that image. Thinking back, she said:

"It was one of those decisions that you make along the journey of your life, to try something and see how it works. The marketplace was changing, specifically because electronics were being introduced to all of the producers. It’s a solid song; but it was not the norm for me because I’m basically a troubadour. But I cut my hair off, lost lots of weight, glammed up, and ran it up the flagpole—and it worked! It worked all the way to a Grammy, which was kind of surprising. It was a lot of fun. I stopped singing it for awhile, because I needed a little perspective on it. But now I sing it again, and it’s kinda fun."