Friday, February 22, 2019

REO Speedwagon "In My Dreams"

Safely tucked away in my box of mementos is a Christmas card given to me in 1995 by the woman who was my first boss in radio when I worked (without pay) as an intern. That holiday she gave me a jar filled with Hershey Kisses and a card that read: "If you really want it, you CAN make it in this business.". At the time, I promised myself I wouldn't eat any of the Hershey Kisses until I landed my first radio gig.

About a year later, I walked into my house one spring afternoon and there was my Uncle Bob chatting with my mom. We exchanged greetings and then he mentioned that he was eating some of my candy. "No problem," I said. I assume Uncle Bob grabbed something from the drawer of snacks and candy that my mom kept filled. The drawer was quite popular with most of my friends who immediately went to it whenever they'd stop by my house. I quickly ran upstairs to my bedroom and noticed the jar of Hershey Kisses was open with a couple crumbled up wrappers sitting next to it. Yep, Uncle Bob mistakenly ate the candy I was saving for my first radio job. Oh, well. So much for that idea. In all fairness, we all had a good laugh over it...