Wednesday, May 15, 2019

KT Tunstall "Suddenly I See"

A few months ago, LinkedIn suggested "Courtney" was someone I might know. I stared at her profile photo wondering why she looked so familiar. Neither her name nor job title really rang a bell. We also had zero connections in common. Why does LinkedIn think I know this person, I wondered? That's when it happened. I remembered I dated her a couple times in 2005. Yes, Courtney (or "Courtney with a U" as I referred to her). Courtney and I immediately found the "friend zone" after our first date. On St. Patrick's Day 2007, she texted me again asking if I wanted to get together. We tried again. No sparks. What I do remember about Courtney: her MySpace profile featured the quote "Everything around her is a silver pool of light" which is from KT Tunstall's song "Suddenly I See". She also claimed to be addicted to Diet Coke, cried easily and was upset after sleeping with her neighbor and not hearing from him.