Saturday, May 11, 2019

Rod Stewart "Faith of the Heart"

The fear of walking in on one of your friends doing something embarrassing is real. I had four male roommates in college. Stuff that happens behind closed doors could accidentally be seen. One time, I walked into my friend Matt's house. He and I were seniors in college and back home that summer living with our parents. We were about to embark on a three-day road trip to visit some other friends who didn't come home for the summer. For some reason, we named our trip "The Cut-It-Out Tour". Anyway, I walked into Matt's house and his mom tells me he's downstairs in their basement. Matt was always downstairs. He had a pool table, a pull-out sofa, comfy La-Z-Boy chairs, and cable TV. This is why Matt was always in the basement. Matt was supposed to be all packed, dressed and ready to go when I arrived, so I truly was not happy to be walking down into his basement. I notice him sprawled out on the floor watching a movie. Not just any movie, Patch Adams. Yes, the Robin Williams movie from 1998. To make matters worse, Matt is bawling. He sees me and tries to laugh it off by telling me that everyone was wearing a red nose (whatever the hell that means). My eyes are wide as I say, "We're supposed to be on the road and you're down here in your boxers watching Patch Adams and crying?!?" He laughs again. For twenty years and counting, I have and continue to use this story against Matt.