Saturday, July 20, 2019

Bob Seger "Old Time Rock 'n Roll"

Figuring I would have enough money, I opted not to go to the bank the morning of my first date. I budgeted enough money to afford two bleacher tickets and beverages at New Comiskey Park in Chicago. First things first: I had to wake up my brother who the night prior volunteered to pick up my date Megan. My Grandpa agreed to drive us to the White Sox game that June 1992 was senior citizen day, so his ticket was half-price.

Seeing as it was 10:00 A.M. and my brother still hadn't emerged from his bedroom, I knocked and reminded him we needed to pick up Megan. A few minutes later, he emerged...shirtless...and we hopped into his Nissan. "Oh, great," I thought, "Megan's gonna see Mr. Muscles here and dump me." After Eric dropped us off at our grandparents, my Grandpa was already outside waiting for us. We all piled into his car and headed to Chicago's South Side. At the ticket window, I gasped after noticing a hand-written sign "Bleachers: SOLD OUT!". After purchasing two outfield reserved seats, my budget was blown. I had enough cash to buy Megan something to drink or eat...nothing else. Somehow Grandpa must've noticed my body language because he pulled me close and said, "I see you're a little short on cash," and slipped me money. Now, you should know that my Grandpa was one of the thriftiest humans to ever walk the earth. He's send me with $2 to buy milk and ask for the change (plus the receipt). For him to offer me money was quite a feat!

With a newfound confidence, Megan and I headed to our seats. Grandpa made himself scarce after a couple innings to give Megan and me some alone time. Our seats placed us directly in the sunlight and before long I dipped into my precious stash o' cash to buy Megan a Coke. When I pulled out the money Grandpa gave me, I expected to find a $10 or maybe a $20 bill. Instead, a waded up $5 bill looked back at me. Well, it was better than a dollar.

Grandpa reappeared at the end of the game just before the White Sox lost the game. He found a friend from his old company and chatted with him during the game. Sun burnt, broke and out of conversation, I was ready to go home.

After someone cut off Grandpa in the parking lot, his infamous temper made a cameo. "Where the fuck do you think you're going," he growled. At some point on the drive home, Gramps turned on the radio and Bob Seger's "Old Time Rock 'n Roll" played. It was one of the few songs I remember him dancing to at my Uncle Bob's reception the previous June. Up went the volume and home went the three of us.

Megan decided we should be friends and that was that. I still blame my brother for not wearing a shirt.