Sunday, August 4, 2019

Rod Stewart "I Can't Deny It"

Wisdom teeth extraction sometimes results in crazy talk. Severe crazy talk! In the case of my friend Matt, I stopped by his house one afternoon during Christmas break in college. I didn't know at the time that Matt was fresh out of oral surgery after having his wisdom teeth removed. The moment I walked into his house, the expression on Matt's mother's face said it all. She looked shocked and horrified -- yet I didn't pick up on her social cues and decided to stay. After about 15 minutes of Matt writing notes to me on a piece of paper, I decided to leave. Matt later told me that while on the drive home from the dentist's office, he informed his very conservative mother that he had "Babies. Babies, babies babies alllllll over the country!" This tidbit freaked out his mother to the point that she didn't believe it was the laughing gas talking, but rather Matt's conscience. Spoiler alert: Matt didn't have babies, babies, babies all across the country. He now has three beautiful children, but that happened long after college.