Thursday, August 1, 2019

Seether "Broken"

It took about 42 years for my first real broken bone. (Full disclosure: I'm certain I broke my little toe in 2014, but I never sought medical attention.) The incident followed a long weekend wedding in Indiana resulting in me returning to work that Monday in a fog. After a lunchtime trip (literally and figuratively) on the CTA Blue Line, I stumbled while running up an escalator. Somehow, my middle finger broke my fall and took the brunt of the trauma. In what can be termed a "typical male moment", I iced it and treated it for about 10 days using Dr. Google and Dr. Web M.D. before actually making an appointment with my real doctor.

A visit to a specialist resulted in the unfortunate news: a fractured bone. Six weeks of physical therapy ensued complete with four weeks of wearing a splint. It hasn't been fun, but I've received some great care from all my medical providers. Next appointment: August 9th.