Friday, October 12, 2018

Eric Carmen "Hungry Eyes"

Renowned chef Wolfgang Puck made his way down the long hallway that separated the two radio stations' studios. Upon Puck's passing our station, the host of the morning show I produced waved. Puck stopped, backed up and entered our studio. The three of us scrambled to say hello and also to let him know that he was at the wrong studio. He didn't seem to mind, but the Marketing Director of our sister station did. He kept making a face that said, "Don't talk to him!". Without thinking, I blurted out: "I love your canned soups! The minestrone is my favorite!!". A few moments later after Puck left, the show's co-host turned to me and let out a huge laugh.

"You meet one of the biggest celebrity chefs of all time and all you can say is...". Laughter took over and she gasped for air to replay my conversation with Puck. "All you can say is: 'I love your canned soup'?!?!?!"

"Was that bad?" I honestly questioned.

More laughter from the room.

To this day, I still buy cans of Wolfgang Puck's soup both as penance and because they're damn good!