Phil Collins, Elton John, and Gloria Estefan dominated Adult Contemporary radio back in the 1980s and '90s, yet have disappeared from modern radio. Seemingly, the only time you ever hear them is at the grocery store or your local CVS. This blog remembers the music, the stories and the quirky characters from my days working in Adult Contemporary radio.
Monday, February 4, 2019
'N-SYNC "Gone"
Weeks of a rumored format-flip culminated into a staff meeting one afternoon at the radio station. Management told the sales and programming staffs to meet in the conference room at 3:00 P.M for an announcement -- some folks weren't as lucky. They were invited to an earlier meeting at 2:00 P.M. where they were fired. I mistakenly figured this out when I arrived early for the 3 P.M. meeting and noticed both desks of my colleagues were emptied. All the papers pinned to their bulletin board: gone. All their personal items (photographs, press credentials, and fan mail): gone. The radio station did flip formats that following day resulting in half the air staff being dismissed. The lesson I learned that day: it's never a good thing to be invited to the meeting before the meeting.